I remember when I first started to work, I used to get so excited over Fridays.
What could be a better week day than Friday.
It’s the end of the week, and when weekend party starts to kick in.
2 full nights full of eat, party, sleep and repeat eat , party, sleep.
But as I grew older, the thoughts seems to be the other way around.
Now, I am not too sure if I still like Fridays as I used to.
Most probably is because Friday is now officially an overtime “OT day”.
Work never ends on Friday, because everyone want to get things done before the weekend.
Some may think they are more kind and have more empathy, when they say first thing on a Monday morning.
Which is funny, cause they counted weekends as working days as well.
They probably have forgotten, like them we rest on weekends.
Anyway, need to take a break from bad energy.
Let’s create something to calm the mind.