Well…. there has been lots of thing going on. Work work… more work…. more colleague leaving previous place, which also means more party… ermmmmm well.. sooner or later no more party~ Ermmm… lets see… hemmmm I have been like so tired lately… I dunno mentally and physically exhausted. The work I am doing now is like sucking and draining my energy out.
Dad has been constantly calling me and ask me to change my job again~.. yeah… he has been into this mood again. It’s kinda fustrating when they don’t understand what I like and why I’m doing it. That’s coz I am myself. I like to do things that I like…. No point doing something that I dislike, struggle, complain and endlessly complain. Well…. like the chinese saying says “Hek tak fu jung fu, fong wai yan seong yan”. sigh! -.-“