People around me would think I love piggies since I have a lot of cute pig avatars, collect some cute piggy figurines and dolls. In actual, my favourite animal is not pigs 🐷.
Surprised? Haha, don’t be.
It’s just so happened that the animal I like, you rarely see they come out with good merchandise or cute art or avatars.
Then everyone will think I don’t like piggies then.
Well, it’s complicated.
While it may not be favourite, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like it either.
I like anything cute.
I was chatting with Jae Sern aka jaebot over MSN the other day about art.
He’s really talented, and have many amazing works. Really love his work.
He showed me some of his project works and remix artwork versions.
Remix versions basically is when he uses character sketch by someone else and create another rendition of it.
So I told him I wanted one piggy character. So he told me to send him a sketch.
Haha.. so I just did a horrible drawing on MSN and send it to him.
Looking at it now, I feel ashamed 😂.
I had a good laugh the moment I receive the piggie character from Jae Sern.
Soooooo cute! Overweight but cute.
Lol! Thanks jaebot! Love it ♥♥❤♥♥.