🎉Time to celebrate again!🎉
A special salute and tribute to my greatest idol, Andy Lau!
🎂 Happy Birthday Andy!
Time for me to sneak out, get a small piece of cake and celebrate.
It’s quite a norm for me to eat a slice of cake for the day.
Yes, in a way a cheat day for me as well.
[Click here] to see last year’s post.
The same wish all over again, every year just to wish that he stays happy and healthy.
Heard he has been troubled by sickness and the tabloids just wouldn’t let him go!
I’m happy to hear that he will be spending his birthday with his family and close friends.
It’s interesting how as we all grow up, wishes and celebrations can be that simple.
He said if he can play bowling with his friends he would be very happy.
So yeah.. bowling 🎳 anyone?