An interesting lyrics that talked about lies.
Additionally, the tone and beat is just right and the lyrics is apt.
I have also discussed about this topic in my previous post.
I suppose it’s true. We can never know when a person is actually lying.
Sometimes it is an ultimate game of lying and may the best liars win.
Cause we never know who is lying and who is not.
Also just when you are lying to someone, we can never know if the other person is lying back at you.
The best part, lying can be really addictive.
We first lie just a little, then we lie a little more, and more and more in order to cover the previous lies.
There will be a point where there is no return and we will just keep lying.
And the lie must go on.
There are times people lie so much, it makes us wonder why people lied in the first place.
Have we ever asked ourselves why we lie in the first place?