Backdated post. Actual event took place on 24 October 2006.
I think this is the first time I attended a friend’s baby full moon party .
Probably because I have not been invited to any.
But then, to begin with among my group of friends, Jane was the first to get married and now first to have a baby.
Her baby is so cute. Don’t you guys agree?
Most of my university mates attended the party, it became like a mini gathering for the adults.
Even Hsiang Lin and Meng Huey that I have not met in a long time came together.
It’s really been a while since we last catch up.
Jane had a big buffet spread outside her mother’s house.
That is really a lot of food, from lamb to chicken to pork.
She even catered food for vegetarians. How sweet of her .
The food were great, that includes the dessert.
I think the spread could match up to any 3 star hotel’s buffet.
I guess it was expected from Jane since she always knows the good food and great bargains around.
We all have a great time catching up.
Jane and the star of the day is busy.
Who can blame the host and the star, they are after all the highlight of the day.
Now, who will be the next host ?