Now, I tend to be a little emotional over season greetings. I don’t know why. I tend to look back. In this case, I was looking at my own photos in Friendster only to notice I have this flare picture that we took during Checker’s opening day. Ah… there and then, our very first Flare family photo. Not to mention it was the one and only family picture. It shows how fast time flies. We finally manage to snap and update our Flare family photo. Ah… now… the very very second family photo. We manage to snap a family photo while in Kuantan. This time, at Checker’s, Kuantan. Now talk about how much Checker’s and us are linked together. Hope there are more family pics to come :). Muahahaha… Hehe… Prem just reminded me before he left office today. “No X’mas notes this year? It’s amazing Adrian still have it at his wall.” I just laughed. Oh yes, how can I totally forget Christmas notes :). Too much holiday~ New year… there will be a new year note. I know it… there will be a note. |
The Family Photo
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