I was commonly described as someone who has patience 😇.
I personally don’t agree with it. Think most of them are just too kind.
In fact, as I grew older I find my patience level is constantly put to a test.
It was not until recent, when it was in the lockdown that I noticed it’s not me that are patient.
It’s the people I am surrounded with are impatient and are becoming more impatient during this time.
The consistent deep breathe and that annoyed voice.
Occasionally they throw in some “tsk” sound and a raised voice.
Sometimes it makes us wonder;
What happened?
What is wrong with asking?
What is wrong with asking repeated questions to clarify and confirm?
Maybe I was outdated.
I wasn’t sure since when confirmation has become annoying.
Sigh 😪.. sometimes I guess we all wish something we did was wrong.
At least you can convince yourself, you deserve it because you did something wrong.