Totally miss this trilogy of the “Love in a Puff 🚬” film series.
Out of a sudden, this song “春嬌與志明” by 街道辦 and 歐陽耀瑩 slipped in to the recommended list by YouTube.
I completely fell in love 😍 with the song from the very moment it start playing.
And the lyrics, were written on point based on the characters in the movie .
Growing up is complicated. Perhaps it’s the process that complicates things.
Remember when I was 12, I wish I could grew old sooner.
Try hard to force myself to grow up faster – think more maturely, act maturely, be an adult.
Now that I am an adult, I try hard to stop growing.
Wishing I could turn back time ⏲ to when I was a kid.
I wish to keep the simple minded and innocence in me.
Got me thinking for a bit.
Have I evolved? Maybe not.
But it’s never too late.