Lions are the king of the jungle! But this little lion is a tame and friendly one.
And I guess I just found the tame lion! *roar*
Draw With Me
OMG, it is such a classic to hear songs that I listen to back in the 90’s. And when I heard the song Jellyhead by Crush. It did make me boggle my head a little! Lol and now that I listen back to the song… the lyrics sounded so much more funny than back then!
I used to exchange views with a few designers, and they once told me… great music inspires great art! Which I totally agree, I guess aside inspiring great art… it gives inspiration to cooking good food too!
Now I wonder, what inspires the great musician?
Breathe in air and spit out fire. So becareful not to step on the tail, cause who knows what will happen next.
Isn’t it a wonder, when something so cute can be so dangerous at the same time!
I’ve always love panda, cause they are so cute and fluffy and of course the best part is, same as the panda… I have super dark cirlce around my eyes. Hehe… So this inspires me to draw panda.
But whatever I draw, always turns out different from what I’m thinking. So I guess I shouldn’t think when drawing! Which leads to my second attempt!
Now I guess, I should just stop thinking and just free my mind! I guess drawing is really a great way to free minds 🙂 .
It’s been a while since I post my doodles, cause all this while I’m still searching, searching for the the weird side of me to pop up! While searching, I manage to return the king to it’s rightful place… the jungle.
Sometimes, like a circle, we all will return to where one belong to.
Yippie!! 😀 I finally finish up my Taiwan travel book! I did one copy for my aunt in Taiwan as a thank you gift for their generous hospitality while we are there and another one for my parents.
It’s really unbelievable how long it took me. And obviously, I never expect the book to be this thick to begin with, neither did anyone else. So thick that I have to alter the finishing touches. Well… my initial idea was to do a hardcover book binding, which obviously not working. So I just normal bind it and did some scrapbooking bookcover, which I totally am proud of and I definately heart it!
The content… hemmm, there are loads of picture, which I obviously love!! I’m a photo person! But photo retouching is massive and crazy! But every single bit of hard work is worth it when I see the printouts. Aside from that, I had loads of small notes in the album so that they know what is what.
I remember when I was young, each time after a trip.. my mum would develop the pictures and put it in photo albums and then write short notes on each pictures. So I guess now I know where I get my habit from 🙂
Think I will definately do a photobook for each of my trip from now onwards! Yeah… I think I should!
I know it’s not spring and since there’s no spring at my place, I decided to create my own spring.
But I wish I could experience spring… autumn and winter. I love to see flower blooming, red dried leaves and pure white snow.